22°56'57.2"S 43°09'03.9"W
Stattus4 is an instituional website displaying beautfully sustainable benefits and water services from Stattus4. The website is composed by 5 pages.

Stattus4 is one of the most sustainable companies I have ever worked for in the water distribution and treatment sector. The website was a transformation into a website made in Wordpress.
We worked on a ready-made copy made in Word, and I transformed the beautiful work of Fernanda and Marília, the two people I had the pleasure of working with, into a beautiful website with 5 pages that talk about the importance, awards and other benefits that the company takes back and forth.
It was a very interesting project to test the institutional organization and how to maintain a good design consistency throughout the website without using components, in different aspects such as space, typography and colors.